Yes, it is Safe to Use the Airdeko cover on your Air Conditioning

Romain Rousseau
Yes, it is Safe to Use the Airdeko cover on your Air Conditioning Yes, it is Safe to Use the Airdeko cover on your Air Conditioning

When it comes to maintaining an efficient air conditioning system, proper airflow is crucial to ensure that your system operates at peak efficiency.

There are benefits to using air conditioning covers, but all cover types are not created equal when it comes to air circulation, and it is important to make sure that you pick a cover that does not restrict airflow. For instance, mesh covers are very different from aluminum covers. 

Mesh AC covers are designed to protect your AC when it is turned off in the fall/winter seasons. They should not be left on your system year-round, and your system should not be operating while these mesh covers are on. 


Aluminum air conditioning covers, however, are designed to be kept on your condenser year-round, even when it’s running and have a been designed to allow hot air to circulate out of the system.


These covers are made of louvered aluminum panels that offer plenty of space for the hot air to circulate and exit the system. 

Since we launched Airdeko, we have been working relentlessly on designing the most efficient airflow-friendly covering solution. In addition to having completed hundred of tests, we have also asked several HVAC experts to run their own tests for us.


In the videos below, you will see that an Airdeko cover has a minimal impact on the system's pressure. These covers include really large louvers, designed to offer the least amount of resistance to the air exiting the system. We've been using these covers on our own AC systems for years (in Florida BTW), without any issue at all.

These covers also offer the benefit of protecting your air conditioning from leaves, branches, snow, hail etc... and help extend the life of your system.



Read our Airdeko reviews to see what customers have to say about their air conditioning cover.